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/ AOL File Library: 4,201 to 4,300 / aol-file-protocol-4400-4201-to-4300.zip / AOLDLs / Keyboard Utilities

Directories (18)
Name# Files   Name# Files   Name# Files
AUTOKEY_ V1.0 Hotkeys for DOS2   BABYKEYS_ V2.3.0 Children's KBD2   DDKEY_ V2.02 Key Redefining TSR2
DFKUNR_ V3.0 F-Key Macro Tool2   DRDOS6_ DR-DOS 6 Dvorak Keyboard2   DVORAKB_ V1.0 Dvorak keyboard2
F11F12_ V2.0 Assign F11+122   ITB_ V1.4 DOS Keystroke Recorder2   KEYLOG_ V1.5 Record DOS Keyst2
KEYPWD_ V1.0 Keyboard Password2   MKEYB_ V2.0 Musical Keyboard2   N_C_LOCK_ V1.0 Capslock_Numlock2
PLAYBACK_ V2.4 DOS Macro Program2   PTM_ V2.9 DOS Task Automator2   SCANCODE_ V5.0 Keyboard Stuffer2
SETFUNC_ Redefine F9 and F10 Key2   Use Joystick as Mouse2   USEMOUSE_ V1.51 Emulate Keyboard2

Text (1)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
url.txt Text File 1 15b 2014-12-07